Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Kun-Yang Lin Dancers

I had never heard of the Kun-Yang Lin Dancers before I went to this showing of theirs. Being an ex-dancer myself, I was interested to see what I would take out of their performance.The type of dance that I mastered for about 10 years was classical indian dancing, or Bharathnatyam. The differences I saw in the two different art forms was that Bharathnatyam was a more rigid and distinct type of dancing while the performance that the Kun-Yang Lin Dancers put on was most definitely something that included more flow that I was used to. In Bharathnatyam, we usually focused on the movements themselves, making sure they were poignant and precise, while the Kun-Yang Lin dancers focus point for their dancing was the emotions included with the dance. That is what really drew me into their performance. I also liked how they expressed the effort they were putting into the moves by a subtle grunt or moan. It really made the audience relate and sympathize with the dancer's movements. All in all, I'm really glad I got to experience such a unique showing. 

I would have to say my favorite part within the show itself was any of the dances that they did as a group. The interactions between the dancers in their movements really showed the audience how comfortable the dancers were, not only with dancing, but with each other. You could tell that these dancers have been dancing with each other for an extended period of time and they've formed a special creative bond. 

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