Sunday, December 8, 2013

Group Project: "Smack That"

It was a little awkward at first watching a group of girls smack the butts of random guys walking by on Liacourse walk. Even though the chosen guys were a little freaked out and caught off guard, the point that this group is something most girls can relate with. 

Women are extremely objectified in today's media through various music videos, commercials, TV shows, and movies. The way media displays women give many young girls the wrong idea of women-hood and their sexuality. Many rap videos talk about women being just a piece of ass and that their just "bitches" to fuck. 

Women have a double standard in society's eyes when comes to their role. Celebrities and other women role models that young girls look up to are overly sexualized with the way they dress an act. This creates pressure for young girls to feel the need to replicate and sometimes leads to naïvely viewing over-sexuality as as a part of being a confident women. But it has done the exact opposite by making young girls less confident because it's hard to compete with the "perfect" bodies of these celebrities.

It's important, not just for women, to appreciate their uniqueness and make them more human by seeing oneself as strengths of their personality, rather than just a body.  

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