Sunday, December 8, 2013

Pig Iron's PAY UP

Pig Iron's PAY UP was an organized and somewhat interactive. There were a total of 8 shows and the viewer was given the opportunity to choose 6 that caught their eye. Before the performances began, we were given a map with the various shows along emotions that vaguely described the different performances along with the rooms they were held in. 

The settings were consistent with white walls, floors, and the performers were dressed in all white. This might've been the artists' way of creating a bland atmosphere so the audience would be more prone to paying attention to the details of the performance. Each performance had a different theme and various stories, but they all talked about one overlying topic, money. 

Money is such a significant thing in our society. Becoming a young adult myself, I'm reminded more and more everyday on the importance of money and the label it has on one's success. Living in Philadelphia, you are exposed to the diversity of classes and their common struggle revolving the issue of money. With our economy failing, jobs being cut, and even college graduates failing to find stable jobs within their careers, it's something we can all agree to be un-nerving. Although many people feel that issues revolving money is a personal struggle, we can feel better about it knowing that none of us are alone in the battle. 

Some the performances did a good job presenting the negative ways of handling money and how it's a problem we all come across at one point or another. Financial struggles are presented in the performance in a way to show the audience that it's something we can all relate to. What we can improve on is being more financially aware and be smarter with our bills. 

One question I would have for the artist is "why did you make everything white" and "does it have some symbolic relevance"?

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